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MoYummy's Blog

24 Mar 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
18 Feb 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Hope this can help some green guys in future :)
15 Feb 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
sudo yum install -y yum-utils sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo sudo yum makecache fast sudo yum -y install docker-engine sudo service docker start sudo chkconfig docker on cut -d: -f1 /etc/group|grep docker sudo usermod -a -G docker [user] sudo reboot -f
04 Feb 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Run xcode-select --install in Terminal or iTerm2, then click Install Download dmg from official site, then double-click to open and install
10 Jan 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Here is my sublime setting
10 Jan 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Download vim-plug
28 Dec 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
Install git sudo -i yum install git
29 Nov 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
Install RVM sudo -i yum groupinstall -y development # or yum groupinstall -y 'development tools' gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 curl -L | bash -s stable usermod -aG rvm administrator # usermod -aG rvm [user]
29 Nov 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
git reset [commit] # reset local to that commit git stash # save changes git push -f # force push to remote git stash pop # load changes git status # commit list has change to that commit with changes after it
23 Nov 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
2017 Mo Yummy
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