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MoYummy's Blog

18 Feb 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Run xcode-select --install in Terminal or iTerm2, then click Install Download dmg from official site, then double-click to open and install
10 Jan 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Here is my sublime setting
10 Jan 2017 View (100) Comment (100)
Download vim-plug
28 Dec 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
Pick a mirror on (e.g.
26 Jan 2016 View (100) Comment (100)
Merge from master to mybranch git checkout master git pull git checkout mybranch git merge master git status
24 Nov 2015 View (100) Comment (100)
Here is my .vimrc
24 Nov 2015 View (100) Comment (100)
2017 Mo Yummy
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