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Kramdown example preview

  • 18 Feb 2017 100 views Comment(100) Like Report

  • This `is not a code` span!

    First level header

    Second level header

    Other first level header

    This is a normal paragraph.

    And A Header

    And a paragraph

    This is a blockquote.

    And A Header


    First level header

    Third level header

    Second level header




    This is a blockquote. on multiple lines that may be lazy.

    This is the second paragraph.

    This is a paragraph.

    A nested blockquote.

    Headers work

    • lists too

    and all other block-level elements

    A code block:

    ruby -e 'puts :works'

    This is a paragraph inside a blockquote.

    This is a nested paragraph that continues here and here and here

    Here comes some code
    This text belongs to the same code block.

    Here comes some code
    This one is separate.

    Here comes some code.

    def what?

    def what?

    • kram
    • down
    • now
    1. kram
    2. down
    3. now

    • This is the first line. Since the first non-space characters appears in column 3, all other indented lines have to be indented 2 spaces. However, one could be lazy and not indent a line but this is not recommended.
    • This is the another item of the list. It uses a different number of spaces for indentation which is okay but should generally be avoided.
    • The list item marker is indented 3 spaces which is allowed but should also be avoided and starts the third list item. Note that the lazy line in the second list item may make you believe that this is a sub-list which it isn’t! So avoid being lazy!

    • This is the first list item bla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla bla
    • This is the another item of the list. bla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla blabla

    • list 1 item 1
    • list 1 item 2 (indent 1 space)
    • list 1 item 3 (indent 2 spaces)
    • list 1 item 4 (indent 3 spaces) * lazy text belonging to above item 4

    1. list 1 item 1
    2. list 1 item 2 (indent 1 space)
    3. list 1 item 3 (indent 2 spaces)
    4. list 1 item 4 (indent 3 spaces) 5. lazy text belonging to above item 4

    • list 1 item 1
      • nested list item 1
      • nested list item 2
    • list 1 item 2
      • nested list item 1

    1. list 1 item 1
      1. nested list item 1
      2. nested list item 2
    2. list 1 item 2
      1. nested list item 1

    1. text for this list item further text (indent 3 spaces)

    2. text for this list item further text (indent 4 spaces)

    • Using a tab to indent this line, the tab only counts as three spaces and therefore the overall indentation is four spaces.
    1. The tab after the marker counts here as three spaces. Since the indentation of the marker is three spaces and the marker itself takes two characters, the overall indentation needed for the following lines is eight spaces or two tabs.

    • kram

    • down
    • now

    • Not wrapped in a paragraph
    • Wrapped in a paragraph due to the following blank line.

    • Also wrapped in a paragraph due to the following blank line and the EOB marker.

    • First list item

    • Second list item

    • Last list item

    • First item

      A second paragraph

      • nested list


    • Second item

    • This is a list item.

      The second para of the list item.

    A code block following the list item.

    • List one
    • List two

    • This is just text.
      • this is a sub list item
        • this is a sub sub list item
    • This is just text, spanning two lines
      • this is a nested list item.

    1984. It was great - others say that, too!

    • This item has the class “cls”. Here continues the above paragraph.

    • This is a normal list item.

    A Markdown-superset converter
    Another Markdown-superset converter

    definition term 1
    definition term 2
    This is the first line. Since the first non-space characters appears in column 3, all other lines have to be indented 2 spaces (or lazy syntax may be used after an indented line). This tells kramdown that the lines belong to the definition.
    This is the another definition for the same term. It uses a different number of spaces for indentation which is okay but should generally be avoided.
    The definition marker is indented 3 spaces which is allowed but should also be avoided.

    definition term
    This definition will just be text because it would normally be a paragraph and the there is no preceding blank line.

    although the definition contains other block-level elements

    This definition will be a paragraph since it is preceded by a blank line.

    Term with id=”term”
    Definition with class “cls”
    First term
    Second term

    First cell Second cell Third cell
    First Second Third
    First Second   Fourth

    |—-+—-| +—-|—-+ |———| |- | :—–: |

    • |-


    • :-: |:——| —:| | :-: :- -: - :-: | :-

    |====+====| +====|====+ |=========| |=

    Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
    First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
    Second line foo strong baz
    Third line quux baz bar
    Second body      
    2 line      
    Footer row      

    Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
    First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
    Second line foo strong baz
    Third line quux baz bar
    Second body      
    2 line      
    Footer row      

    The following is a math block:

    But next comes a paragraph with an inline math statement:

    $$ 5 + 5 $$

    This is a para.

    Something in here.

    Other para.

    This is a para.

    Something in here.

    Other para.

    This is some text in the `layer1` div.
    This is some text in the `layers` div.

    This is a para outside the HTML block.

    This is the first part of a para, which is continued here.

    This works without problems because it is parsed as span-level elements

    The end tag is not found because this line is parsed as a paragraph</div>

    This is a para.

    Another para. </p>

    This is a para.

    Another para.

    This is a para. First part of para, continues here.

    Information can be found on the homepage. You can also mail me:

    This is a link to a page. A link can also have a title. And spaces!

    This is a link

    This is a reference style link to a page. And this is also a link. As is [this][] and [THIS].

    The next paragraph contains a link and some text.

    Room 100: There you should find everything you need!

    Here comes a smiley! And here too. Or ![here]. With empty alt text

    Here is an inline smiley.

    And here is a referenced smile

    some text some text some text some text

    This is unbelieveable! This d_oe_s not work!

    This is a text with light and strong emphasis. This is emphasized as well. This does _not_ work. This does __not__ work either.

    This is a * literal asterisk. These are ** two literal asterisk. As *are* these!

    Use <html> tags for this.

    Here is a literal ` backtick. And here is `some` text (note the two spaces so that one is left in the output!).

    This is a ` literal backtick. As `are` these!

    This is a Ruby code fragment x =

    This is .

    This is automatically closed.

    Link: text

    Link: text

    This is some text.1. Other text.2.

    This is some text not written in HTML but in another language!

    • list item one

    • list item two

    • list one
    • list two

    A simple paragraph with an ID attribute.

    A blockquote with a title

    Some code here

    This is some code. A link and some tools.

    This is italicmarked text

    Do you see ?

    1. Some crazy footnote definition. 

    2. Blockquotes can be in a footnote.

      as well as code blocks

      or, naturally, simple paragraphs. 

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